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Does Believing In God Make Life Better?

Does Believing In God Make Life Better?

What an honest, for-real question! Let’s talk about it.

Straight to it. Yeah, I think it does.

For myself, I know it does and has most definitely in immeasurable ways in the past.

What about for other people? Yeah, I think so there, too. It certainly could.

A Few Notes On My “Uh, Yeah Duh” Pro-God Bias

Yes, I’m a Christian. Yes, I’ve grown up in a Christian culture in a Christian family and in a largely Christian town. And yes, I’ve only been a resident of a western country.

So mmm hmmm, of course, I’m biased.

However, this is not a question I take lightly. Nor do I want to let my natural inclinations lead our thinking here. I’ve always found it both wise and valuable to step back and ask these kinds of questions. When we step away from what we’ve been taught or hold on to tightly, that’s often when we get some powerful revelation. I’m pro-questioning from an honest, curious, what’s the most true point of view.

So, I’m suspending my belief— and giving priority to my noggin’ in this thought experiment.

Another coupla notes to assuage suspicions about my Alabama Christian self:

Although I do lack some scholarly discipline (i.g: I don’t read directions when something comes from Amazon and has to be assembled, and I look at the ingredients of a recipe and just throw them in a pan and guess at the measurements, and I can never remember how to spell rhythm …. Or is it…rhythym???), I consider myself a critical, skeptical, and curious thinker.

Also, my decision to believe in God, isn’t something that’s been a one-and-done since a young age.

I’ve had several significant periods, and at least two whoppers, of searching, doubting, whining, questioning, and researching .

It’s not something that’s always been secure. It’s something I like to check in on regularly, for maintenance and updates, as I do with my Chromebook.

And every decade or so I'll have a big deep dive Research and Ponder Fest that lasts for multiple seasons or multiple years.

I’ll get into this all in another post at some point. But for now, I just want to reassure you, that I’ve thought about this. A lot. For many years.

And I always, ultimately come to the conclusion that I believe in God. Life is better with Him. And He loves me, is relational and is interested in my life and my 100 years here. (120 years if I get a shiny new robot heart, circa 2043!).

So, rest assured, this is not my Christian platitude response. I don't care for those much anyway. This is my experience, thoughts, and observations.

And, I’ve just gotta tell you, I love talking about this stuff. Why are we here? What’s the meaning of life? If we’re all dying anyway, why does it matter if we’re good to each other? Why did God make snakes if he knows I’m scared of them?

I mean, I love it!

And I’m thankful you’re here for it.

And if my humble perspective makes any difference to you, it’s an honor.

But mostly, I’ve run out of friends to talk to about this.

So grab some wine and a sleeve of Ritz crackers and let's do this thang!

Why Do I Believe Life Is Better When You Believe In God?


Man, I love a good kitty in the window shot. 

Ohh-kay. Companionship. Right.


Um, please explain why something so mundane and not Old Testament-Parting-The-Red-Sea miracle-y type stuff is your reasoning for why believing in God is a benefit.


I was talking with a friend a bit ago about God. He is a very nice, never seen or experienced God agnostic.

He had a simple, clear question.

“If I’m studying for a test, and I pray and ask God to give me an "A" on the test, and I get an “A,” is that why I should believe in God? What if I take the test and don’t ask God, but I still get an "A?”

The difference in those two scenarios is the experience.

You’ve gotten an "A" in both scenarios.

With the non-God version, you study and work hard, take the test, get your "A" and feel good, relieved, and pleased.

With the God-included version, you also study, work hard, take the test, and get your "A" result. But you get the added experience of talking to God as you go through the process.

You exercise hope, vulnerability, encouragement, dependence on God, and the feeling and trust and relational engagement.

You get to feel seen, heard, and connected to a divine presence.

You get to feel taken care of, loved, and you get to go through the whole thing with someone intimately tied to you in every phase of taking the test and receiving the result.

You’ve chosen to involve yourself in a non-solo experience. In a trusting, caring, dual relationship.

So, the experience is what’s really different there. It’s not so much the outcome. Though God, can and does sometimes intervene in an outcome. But that’s not my point here.

What you get to feel and experience is the gift. You get to feel His presence with you.

A sensation or belief and comfort that you are not alone. You have the security that no matter what happens, you’ve got a confidante with you.

With God, You’re Not Alone. You've Always Got Company.

If you look at humans in every stage of life, we’re all looking for companionship. As babies, we want to snuggle up with mom. There’s safety and comfort and love in that.

The first day of school, you hope you make friends. In fact, growing up, school is typically perceived as “good” or “bad,” depending whether or not you have a pal to go through it with you.

Why do we want to be married?

For one thing, to intimately know and be known by someone.

To intimately love and be loved by someone.

To have someone snake the drain when it’s got hair in it.

Why do we doubt ourselves, get grumpy, and feel more purposeless when we withdraw or are separated from other people?

Because we’re made for connection.

Even extreme introverts are made with a desire for connection, understanding, and meaningful relationships.

So How Does God Fill That Role?

God is always available to talk with you.

Just grab your golden phone receiver and dial 1-800-555-GAWD. He’ll be there.

He’s always interested in having a conversation. About deep stuff, funny stuff, sad stuff, or even a “Hey You, just checking in.”

When you're doing your daily routine and chores, it's a respite to do it all with someone by your side. It's a refresher to just stop when you’re making lunches or are at the stop sign and check in and feel warmth.

To know that you can discuss your worries, annoyances, ideas, and gratitude with someone who genuinely wants to talk with you, never tires of your voice, and is always, always there to listen and talk with you is a marvel.

God cares about you, your life, and all of your messy issues and wants to guide you through it.

I like this verse from the Bible, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him/her ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him/her.” James 1:5. It’s so clear—He wants to help you make good decisions. God wants you to have goodness, joy, and peace.

He knows what’s in your best interests. And He wants to make it clear to you.

He’ll lay stepping stones for you to take one stride at a time.

He’s there rooting for you, encouraging you, showing you the best way so you don’t have to do it alone. Sometimes God will send people to affirm you or give you a message. He’ll also give you direction through signs, songs, scripture, your intuition or a peaceful feeling. That’s all Him—- being your partner.

God Comforts And Gives Strength And Safety When Life Goes In The Dumper

Sometimes life is smooth.

Then it’s rough.

And when it’s rough, it’s usually rough for a while. Then more rough things happen in addition to those other rough things and it makes you remember the times when old rough things happened and geez, those were rough times.

Maybe He’ll change your circumstances. Maybe not.

Again, that’s not really the point.

Life is a gorgeous, wondrous treasure. But she’s an unleashed wild thing! Full of unfair and unreasonable acts.

When life is kicking up a storm and beating you down, God is still your partner.

Here’s how He can show up:

He can give you a sensation of peace that surpasses understanding

He can give you strength to endure that you cannot muster up on your own

He can comfort, support, and encourage you

He can intervene, heal, provide, reconcile

He can open doors and create opportunities for you

He can send you people to love on you and walk with you through it

However He does it, He wants you to know He’s with you, and you’re not going through it on your own. God will shelter you with love and be a safe place for you.

Having an ally like this can give you what you need to make it through.

God Will Be With You When It’s Your Time To Die

Yes, I brought up death.

And I’m sorry to do it. I don’t like thinking about it either.

But it’s real. So, let’s talk about it.

At the end of it all, we go alone.

Dying is a solo experience. But spiritually it doesn’t have to be.

God can be with you, leading the way, holding your hand, filling you with the warmth and peace that you feel when He’s nearby.

He could even show his face to you, physically take your hand, tell you jokes as it happens, bring your old dog with Him to brighten your heart when it’s time.

I’ve never understood Christians who say, “Come now, Jesus,” or “I can’t wait for Jesus to come and take me with Him,” and other stuff like that.

I do not and never have felt that way.

I’ve always been scared of it. Scared of death, eternity, what happens after. I’m full of questions that unsettle me.

What does forever without end even feel like?!

Will my family be there?

Will I look like me?

Will my old cat be there or is he in Cat Heaven?

Will I even get into Heaven—what if I missed something or got too lazy?

Can I get any quality time with God since He’s got all those other people there who want to hog Him?

Will it be boring?

Will I like the food?

Will I be stuck with all of the other Christians from human history and have to talk to them and be with a bunch of people I don’t know. I don’t like crowds.

*I no longer think eternity will be a white and fluffy Heaven where we have to sing together all the time. Now, I believe life after death will be pretty cool, something a lot like a perfected, harmonious Earth- where we have vocation, relationships, art, and things to do. But we’ll need another sleeve of Ritz to get into this one. Another day.

At any rate, I’ve always been petrified of Heaven, dying, getting older and losing time.

But I have to look at my relationship and experiences with God so far (you do too).

I’ve been through some scary, painful stuff. And I felt like God was with me during all of them.

  • When the car rolled over after I was hit by a drunk driver- I felt physically held down and protected, shielded from harm. I felt a powerful presence with me as it was all happening in what felt like slow motion. God was there, protecting me.

  • When I had alarming and frightening moments with both deliveries of my babies- I felt scared and panicked. But I felt like I was being watched over. I felt an abundance of supernatural attention on me. I was scared, but I felt a heightened presence with me. God was there, covering me.

  • When I had my heart broken. I felt a depth of sadness I had never known. But I felt loved, supported, and patiently held every day. God was there, comforting me.

  • When I moved to NYC and couldn’t figure out how to get home on my first day. I felt overwhelmed, small, and lost. But I felt a strengthening presence, and pep talk in my spirit. “Take a breath. Slow down. Look at the signs and look at your map. You will get home.” God was there, encouraging me.

I did nothing to get Him to show up for any of those occasions. He just showed up and helped me.

He made sure I didn’t have to go through any of it alone.

When I ponder that, logic and faith lead me to believe that it will be like that when I die. He’ll just show up, and help me. And He’ll be with me.

Knowing that He’ll be with me then as He’s been with me in the past and is every day, I find that hugely reassuring.

I don’t know what happens. But I know He loves us.

I know He’s always with us, especially if we look for Him.

And I know he doesn’t want us to be scared or alone.

He will be with us, even then.

God Will Give You Affection

I swear, when you feel like you’re in the presence of God or when you feel like He’s near you, it feels like warm honey! Like you’re being hugged by sunshine. It’s like you’re a kitty on a bundle of laundry fresh out of the dryer. Absolutely yummy! God’s presence is so cozy, so deeply comforting, relaxing, restful, and settling. It’s my fav!

I have a friend who taught me about the expression “the sweet presence of the Holy Spirit.”

That’s how God feels, safe, snuggly, sweet. Like there’s breath and love moving in every part of you.

You can even open your hand sometimes and feel warmth, electricity, tingles, energy. You can bundle up in bed and feel like God is a big down comforter wrapping you up and holding you.

When you take the time and open up to it, God will hold you.

God Is Loyal To You (even when you’re a jerk)

God forgives you without making you work for it or earn it.

He’s just handing out the do-overs!

Sinning and being rude or selfish is standard practice for us humans. Messing up is in our daily repertoire.

Let’s see—- a few examples off the cuff:

We complain and are offended easily, we think our way of cooking the Thanksgiving turkey is the best way and rudely dominate the kitchen, we hurt people’s feelings both on purpose and on accident, we exaggerate stories and tell lies, we speak too freely or with too much vinegar, we give God the silent treatment, we make demands of God and get irritated when He’s not doing things our way.

There are so many things we all do on a regular, weekly, daily basis that can make us feel icky.

What a great time to have God, Companion Extraordinaire by your side!

Unlike almost everyone else in the world, God’ll say, “I love you. Be sorry. Let’s move on.”

Or He’ll just hug you and wrap you up and say, “I love you. Nothing can separate you from my love. Try again today.”

God Is Always Rooting For You

More than yer mama, God wants the best for you.

He wants you to use your gifts; He gave them to you.

He wants you to enjoy your life; He made it beautiful for you.

He wants you to live with purpose and contribute; He put the desire in your heart in the first place.

He’s so interested in you making the most of your unique abilities and dreams, that He’ll gently, lovingly put a nag in your heart until you do something about it.

And God cares when you need a good parking space.


We’re Made For Companionship

We are relationship seekers and needers.

I got curious about the suffix “ship,” and wondered what the heck it means since it keeps coming up in all this talk about companionship, friendship, partnership, relationship, and musings from a Gen Z’s “I ship them so hard!”

Webster didn’t disappoint.

“Ship” originates from an Old English phrase scipp.

It means “shape.” “State of being” and “condition” also came up. (Frickin’ jackpot!)

We are shaped for companionship.

We’re designed to thrive in healthy friendships and partnership with others.

And what a joy when we find people with whom we can share that!


People have their limitations.

Time, energy, personality, and self-focus can suppress friendships. And we’re all like that.

But God’s not like us.

He’s like Him.

And Him is always, always, always there.






Believing and experiencing that makes life better.

Bring This To Life In You:

The Takeaway: 

God can be your dearest and most reliable friend 


“…I have called you friends…” John 15:15


“Hey God, thanks for being how you are. I want the companionship you offer. Show me how to be friends with you. Amen.”

Action Step:

Look for ways to connect with God this week. Talk to Him more. Tell Him what’s on your mind. Ask Him to show you His friendship. And look for ways He’s responding to your conversations.