Believing in God

is only half the fun!

If you’re a Christian…

and you’re skipping the deep connection with God,

you’re missing the par-tay, my friend.

Don’t miss the good stuff!

Around here we talk a lot about that whole

“personal relationship with Jesus” thing…

and what the heck that actually means—

in plain, easy-to-understand, totally accessible, you-friendly talk.

***fancy churchspeak, shame, and “you should do betters” not included

Make It Joy is here to help you find

the joy and intimacy in your relationship with God.

Sounds great! And…how now?

With resources and events to help you find your unique connection with the Lord.

  • Devotionals

  • Guided Meditations (heck yeah, Christians meditate!)

  • Courses to help you move knowledge from head to heart

  • Coaching

  • Community Challenges and Virtual Events

  • Retreats

  • Encouraging articles and emails

    All mixed up in a big ole pot of curiosity, research, history, humor, real life, and prompts from the Holy Spirit!

Does This Sound Like Your Kinda Place?

“I enjoyed the "real talk" in the series. Sometimes it's easy to think of God as High and Mighty, Awe-inspiring, etc. We forget that He wants to "hang with us" and be our friend.”


“Caroline is such a special person and so intuitive! She’s a thoughtful facilitator and I always leave her full of ideas and know what to do going forward. She’s very perceptive.”


“Caroline presents excellent truths in the most down-to-earth, authentic manner. Her tone and sense of humor are inviting just as Yahweh’s character is inviting.


“I loved every part of it! Each daily teaching was so thoughtful and intentional. The message and scripture resonated with me so deeply each day and you can tell that a lot of heart went into creating this program.”


Dont. Miss the fun.

Don’t miss the joy.

Don’t miss the best part about knowing God!

You’re a Christian.

You believe, pray, go to church, read the Bible, and are kind to others.

That’s all great. It really is.


Are you missing out on the best part of knowing God?  

Understanding how to connect deeply with God— beyond the page, beneath the surface, apart from the crowd, and in a way that’s entirely unique to you and how you’re made…

that’s where it gets really good. 

When the Lord is your partner and BFF, life gets suhhh-weeet! 

Gimme that TRUTH PILL—

You can be a Christian and still completely miss out on the abundance and joy

of having a close relationship with God.

You Are Created for intimacy

You’re made to love and be loved completely and to rest securely in that love. You’re also made to be completely seen, known, and understood.

That’s why you long for friendship, partnership, and romantic love. You are literally- in every way possible- MADE that way.

And guess who can know you, love you, and connect with you best of all…

God- your truest soul mate.

After all, He’s the one who gave you that desire and that gorgeous deep soul.

And He’s the same way!

He longs to walk with you, crack jokes with you, relax on the porch and eat sandwiches and talk with you.

He’s all about the relationship. He’s all about loving you well,

You’re made to dwell in God’s presence…

and enjoy His woooonderful company and companionship.

When you learn to walk with Jesus in a trusted friendship, that’s when a profound sense of peace and belonging fills your soul.

God has so much for you

and for Y’all!

You and HIM-

Rockin’ it as a pair… a dynamic duo, a coupla ride or dies, soulmates maximus,

You + God = BFF (Best Friends For-EVA!)

You, yeah, you!

And it’s 100-million% AVAILABLE and there for the taking.

I’ll show ya how. 🩷

Hey! I’m Caroline Busick, a certified spiritual coach, and I’ve known the Lord a loooooong time.

I believe that God loves you— immensely. And He wants to spend time with you, have conversations with you, and be your closest and most trusted companion.

And and He’ll absolutely meet you where you are. You just have to be willing.

Who Am I?

Intimacy with the Lord isn’t something that’s always at the front of our Christian culture. But it’d be a shame to miss out on it.

If you bypass the close relationship with God, you’ll miss the very best parts of being a Christian.

God wants you to enjoy knowing Him— and I do too!