"Pardon Our Progress"
Make It Joy is narrowing its niche to focus deeply on connecting with God while living joyfully and purposefully. This month, the content and website pages are being updated to reflect that change.
Stay tuned!

Ahh... "JOY."  Wouldn't that be nice?

If you've been around a little while, you know life can be hard.
It can also feel routine.
It's easy to drift through the days, disengaged, and just get by.  
We can lose our passion if we aren't actively making choices that bring us  fulfillment and purpose. 

But the great news is, we can live a soulful, happier life. 
We just have to be intentional about it. 

Make It Joy is here to help you find your way to a joyful, meaningful life. 


Live Life with joy!

Sounds Great, Caroline!
And... How now?

What a great, articulate question.
Make It Joy is here to support you with loads of free content every month plus some things you can buy if you want to go deeper.

Nice! What's the free stuff?

Sounds good. What's the paid stuff?

Every month, we'll focus on one topic that plays a role in joyful living. The podcast episodes, blog posts, guest posts, and short emails are all filled with tips and inspiration related to the month's theme. Often, I'll do giveaways, share downloads, or host virtual or in-person events that I think will be helpful for you.
And I'm always on the lookout for resources, research, or freebies you may find beneficial.

At different times throughout the year, I'll offer virtual or in-person retreats and events. Life, spiritual, or clarity coaching is always on offer with limited availability. Courses, eBooks, workbooks, guides, and meditations are an option for you to take your Joy practice further at your own pace on a budget. 
And while not expected, donations are always very appreciated. 


How Can You Make the most of your life?

Living a fulfilling life doesn't mean you live without struggle. Rather it's choosing how you approach your life.


Use Your Gifts And Talents 


Do Life With God


Be Present And Available


Have Fun And Soak Up Good Times


Seek Goodness And Share It
With Others


 Love And Treat Yourself Well

so... tell me more about these retreats, resources, and coaching

Gladly! You can find all of the free and for purchase downloads on the Resources Page. 
For now, I share the events and retreats with email subscribers, not on the website. I like to offer them to people who are a part of the community and believe in what Make It Joy is about. These are really fun and I only host when I feel like I've got a clear vision, strong purpose, and divine nudge to do so. As long as that criteria is met, I'm pretty open to what these look like and who's involved. 
So, I'm always up for suggestions and collaborations if it feels right. 


online life and spiritual coaching for women

My job is to completely and wholeheartedly believe the best in you and believe the best for you.
Through exploratory conversation and life coaching techniques, we'll uncover what you most want out of your life. We'll explore your purpose, what your giftings are and how they're best used, and discover how you want to experience your life and relationships.

My job is also to be an objective listener and observer. I'll be on the lookout for your inner critic, disruptive patterns, unhelpful beliefs, blocks, and anything else that's standing in your way.
Once we identify these pesky joy-stealers, we'll challenge them and create ways for you to overcome
what hinders you. 

Whoa, that's a lot for a few virtual life coaching sessions!
Heck yeah it is.

Life coaching requires you to go all in and commit to being open and curious as we work together. We go deep pretty quickly. And the payoff is huge. It's amazing what life coaching can do for women. 


Women's life coaching is about helping you move from where you are to where you want to be! 

Hi, I'm caroline Busick

I Believe Life Is Meant To Be Enjoyed!

One of the best compliments I've ever received was from my dear friend when I was 16. In Dutch, her second language, she told me I was a "Levensgenieter," which translates to.....

 "An enjoyer of life!"

What a great thing to be! And she was right. I've always felt life was meant to be lived with attention, connection, and a deep sense of peace and joy. 

It's true that this does come easier to some than others, sure. But I believe that peace, joy, and full-hearted-living can be something we willfully invite into our lives. The more we focus on it and pursue it, the easier it is to stay in touch with it.  

As we work together, we'll discover what stirs your soul. We'll uncover your gifts, dreams and how best to enrich your world.

We'll also face the things that have been holding you back from you being your best self and living the life you want. 
I will partner with you, as you learn to believe in yourself and build a life full of moments you can soak up. 

You, too, can be "An enjoyer of life!"

I've Had Joy, Lost It, And Found It Again

When I was younger, I felt full of vitality and potential. Life was pretty easy. But things changed as I racked up more experience, mistakes, and disappointments.

The real doozy was when I put all of my energy into others...my husband, my children, my friendships, and pretty much anyone I came across. I neglected myself for years.

So, I eventually lost my purpose and stopped believing in myself. 
Then I lost my passion. Lost my peace. Lost my joy.

I’ve changed that now. 
And life is full of inspiration and possibility. 

And I want that for you.
I can help you find the best version of yourself and your life. 

In case you were wondering...

"Busick" sounds like "music." I'm a wife and mother of two small and energetic children. After moving around, we now call
Birmingham, AL home.
I'm a certified life coach and spiritual coach. I also have my Master's in Fine Arts, am a certified (retired!) yoga and Pilates instructor, and am a certified mindfulness teacher. I have training in Acceptance Commitment Therapy and habitually pursue deeper education that I think is interesting, fun, or relevant to creating a rich and peaceful life (for you and for me!).
I practice Christianity, and have "deconstructed" and "reconstructed" my faith. I believe questioning is a good thing, research and continuous learning is important, and God loves each one of us without fail or hiccup and wants to walk through life with us.
I gladly accept clients of all backgrounds and beliefs. 


Schedule Your Complimentary
Call to see if we're a fit 



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