So, you wanna get closer to god…

You’ve felt it in your heart. There’s more.

You’ve got the “Christian thing” down.

That’s great.

But God wants more than your belief; He wants your heart.

He wants to be close to you, connect to you, partner with you, and do life together.

He’s passing you a note in class right now:

“Wanna be best friends? Check yes or no.”

Whaddya say?

Ahem, Isn’t god holy and above us all?

Yeah, absolutely. God is all-powerful, all-good, and mighty. I mean, He’s the frickin’ King of the universe! (So cool!)


He is also near to us. He wants to be your friend.

Make It Joy focuses on the relational side of Jesus.

God made us to know Him and be with Him. And that’s what we put our attention on here. Feeling relaxed and in tune with God. Developing a joyful, authentic, close-knit relationship with God.

We’ve all got that one friend we’re completely ourselves with- and feel safe with—

Well maybe not, but we all want that friend.

  • She’s the first person you talk to about big decisions, big hurts, and big dreams.

  • You go to her for comfort when you lose your parents, your husband forgets your birthday, and when someone was rude enough to ask you if you’re pregnant, even though you’re clearly not! You just ate a chicken burrito with extra rice, obviously. 

  • You have inside jokes and crack each other up. You think being together is “the best ever.” You call yourselves “Thelma and Louise minus the explosives.”

She’s your go-to gal for all that life brings.

This is your best friend.

And yes, this is the kind of no pretense, no shame, no holding back, full of joy and laughter, intimate, trusting, mascara-snotty-cry relationship God’s inviting you into with Him.

There’s nothing wrong with just being a Christian or just believing in God and accepting Jesus.

But that’s only the beginning.

If you leave it at that and don’t learn to connect with Him in that BFF, lover of your soul, friend for all seasons way, you’re shortchanging yourself and what you two can have. 

You’ll miss out on what your heart is made for.

There is a gorgeous, soul-filling, mutually invested relationship

waiting for you. 

God is calling you into the MORE-NESS

in your relationship with Him.

If this intrigues or excites you, you’re in the right spot.

HOw can I help you?

At Make It Joy, I focus on two things:

#1 How much God loves you—without condition, without fail


#2 How accessible God is— He can be your closest companion

How I share that, comes in lots of different shapes:

writing, devotionals, spiritual coaching, YouTube videos, podcast episodes, courses, virtual events, retreats, and whatever God nudges me to do.

It’s not so much the how—it’s the what.

And “the what” is this:

God wants to have a relationship with you.

And I do whatever I can to get that message across to you.

Start with this free 5-day devotional series.

It’ll help you and the Lord get some momentum as a pair. It comes straight to your inbox each morning—easy peasy.

Who Am I?

Hey! I’m Caroline Busick (sounds like “music”).

And I’m really glad you found me!

I'm a writer, certified spiritual coach, and mindfulness instructor. I also have my Master's in Fine Arts and am a certified yoga and Pilates instructor (though I rarely teach anymore). I have training in Acceptance Commitment Therapy and habitually pursue deeper education that I think is interesting, fun, or relevant to creating a rich and peaceful life (for you and me!).

I’ve known the Lord for a long time, have "deconstructed" and "reconstructed" my faith, and am passionate about seeking coziness and intimacy with God.

And heck yeah, I think you can feel relaxed, joyful, and deeply connected with the Lord too!