"Pardon Our Progress"
Make It Joy is narrowing its niche to focus deeply on connecting with God while living joyfully and purposefully. This month, the content and website pages are being updated to reflect that change.
Stay tuned!

life and spiritual coaching
for women

The Clarity Package
(eight fifty-minute sessions)


The Intensive Package
(two full hours of coaching all at once)

Let's take you from just "making it," to Making It Joy! 



We'll meet virtually for each session and you will have my support, expertise, insights,
and detailed notes throughout our time together. 

I am rooting for you and believe you can live life with freedom and joy! 

I currently offer two virtual coaching packages:

*Single sessions for maintenance and follow-up are available for previous clients only at this time. 

"I had the privilege of working with Caroline as my life coach, and I can confidently say that she is one of the most amazing life coaches out there. Not only is she knowledgeable and skilled, but she is also an incredibly warm and caring person who truly cares about her clients. Her gift for guiding people is truly remarkable, and her guided meditations were so powerful.
She inspired and empowered me to be the best version of myself, and I will be forever grateful for her guidance and support. I feel incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such a magical person, and I would highly recommend her to anyone looking to make positive changes in their life."                                                                                                                      



Kind Words From clients

"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



"Working with Caroline has been life-changing!
She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind.
She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions
energized, encouraged and clear-headed.

The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me
to continue the deep work on my own."



Kind words from clients

"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



What is life and spiritual coaching
and how can it help you?

Great question! Most people have heard of a life coach.
Most people also have only a vague guess about what a life coach or spiritual coach actually does. 

As your coach, my job is to partner with you, think with you, challenge you, offer feedback, encourage you, keep you focused, and use techniques, exercises, and thoughtful questions that lead you to discover what is going on inside of you so that you can move forward in your life.

Every time we meet, our goal is for you to make progress.

That may look like you becoming more self-aware, building confidence, or letting go of some things
that have held you back,
but it always boils down to clarity. 

You need to be clear on what you want and what you need to do to achieve it. 
And it often takes an outside observer to help you make sense of all the beliefs, fears, dreams, shoulds, and confusion that you feel and think. 
In coaching, we are always working toward your clarity, action, and movement. 


Does Life Coaching Actually Help? 

Oh buddy, it can change your life.
It really, honestly can.
You do have to be open, willing, and do the work.
But it can be extremely valuable for people who are ready to seek and grow.

"Caroline was a literal answer to my prayers. I found myself feeling lost, overwhelmed and unable to process my way through any of my feelings on my own.
 I had done a lot of work on my own independently, in group coaching containers, even with other life coaches 1:1, but working with Caroline is truly a gift.

She holds such a beautiful space.
It’s like talking with your best friend who doesn’t judge anything you say, but will also be real with you
in a truly loving way.

She is so easy to talk to. I would find myself rambling on and then asking if I even made sense, and in her magical way, she would assure me I did. Then she would help me walk back through my thoughts,
so I felt like they made sense to me.
 Working with her has really helped me elevate my life in so many ways and connect with my true joy." 

Kind Words From Clients



You're giving so much to everyone else, at your expense

You feel God is at a distance and you're disconnected spiritually

You've dismissed your talents and hobbies

You feel the constant pressure of "should"

You don't know your purpose

Self-care feels like a luxury, not essential

You feel like you've already peaked and you wish you were more like your old self 

You're way too hard on yourself 

You've lost your spark, zest, or vitality

We all have dips and times of wear in life, but if that becomes your usual way of being and seeing, things need to change

Does Life Feel Like It's Just Happening To You? 

You can live a life that feels
    in tune
with who you are
who you are made to be. 

Kind Words from Clients

"I've met with counselors over the years as I’ve struggled to find happiness in my job, but I never felt like I was getting anywhere (just getting a lot off my chest). My coaching sessions with Caroline have been a different experience altogether - so incredibly productive, efficient, and energizing.
Caroline asks the questions that need to be asked, listens intently, and offers spot-on insights. It’s clear to me that Caroline has found her calling, and she’s helping me find mine. With Caroline, I’m finally making real progress."


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


"It’s obvious that Caroline really cares about her clients. She puts so much thought into our time together and the notes she sends after our sessions are very detailed and smart. I think the way she does this is something that sets her apart from other coaches and consultants.
I feel like I get two sessions- one when we meet, and one when I read her notes after." 


Kind words from clients

"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


Option #1


There's a reason you're you. 
And there's a reason you like the things you like, have the talents and skills you have,
and have the desires you have. 

Yep, God has something for you.

He wants to use you, bless you, and help you live in a way that feels fulfilling and rich on the inside. 

If you don't have a deep sense of peace about your life right now, it's time to dig in and see what's off track and how we can get you "in tune." 

"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


You need discernment and wisdom to know your next steps

You don't know what your "purpose" or contribution is

You need courage, support, and direction to follow a dream or calling

You feel stuck in your circumstances and don't know how to move forward

You wonder if you're in the right place, job, or relationship

You suspect you've already "peaked" or given the best of yourself

You want to give more, be more, do more, feel more... but you don't know what

You've felt dissatisfied, apathetic, or indecisive for a while and don't know what to do about it

You can see the big picture, but have no idea how to make it a reality

You know you aren't spending your time and energy well, but don't know how else to 


This package includes:

Eight 50 minute sessions

A written detailed summary of your sessions with my feedback and suggestions when appropriate, and action steps to help you bring your goals to fruition

Resources and suggestions just for you- books, blogs, worksheets and podcasts that may inform or inspire you as you go through coaching, as well as observations and insights I have as we talk 

What does God have in store for you?

Life is going fairly well.
But something is off.
You know you want to experience a sense of deep peace
and contentment.
You want more out of life.
A “calling” perhaps.
 So, what do you do with that feeling? 

Do you need to contribute more to the world?
Find more meaningful friendships?
Spend quality time with God?
Go back to school?
Redo your whole house and add a mother-in-law suite
so you can start fostering parakeets?
What should you do? 

That’s what we’ll find out.
And once you know, you can act on it and change your life. 

In this package, we’ll give our attention to everything that’s
been swirling around inside of you and let your
imagination, secret wishes, and nudges from God
 come out into the light.

As we work together, you’ll discover what you really want and need,
and understand how to honor it.



*payment plan available
**Make the full payment up front and receive two free days of Voxer support

The Clarity Package is for you if...

Option #2


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


This program is for you if you:

Want clarity, inspiration, or release in your life

Are willing to go deep and open up relatively quickly 

Feel stuck and need an assist

Are ready to confront beliefs and patterns that are holding you back 

Have a life schedule that makes it difficult to keep a routine appointment over a length of time

Have only one or two primary topics you want to work on

Thrive in faster, more immersive programs

Need a kickstart?

This is two full hours of coaching in one long session

This package includes:
One 120 minute coaching session 

Access to detailed summary and action steps to help you move forward

Resources and suggestions just for you- books, blogs, worksheets
and podcasts that may inform or inspire you as you move forward through coaching, as well as observations and insights I have as we talk




*One day Voxer support available for $99

Kind Words from Clients

"Caroline is really good at this. She asks hard, deep questions in a really nice way. I was confused and discouraged before I met with her. In just a couple of sessions, I felt confident again and knew exactly what to do.


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


Kind Words from Clients

"Caroline is a really special person. She's so intuitive. She’s a thoughtful facilitator and gives all of her attention during our time together. I always leave our meetings full of ideas and know what to do going forward. She’s very perceptive and has been so helpful to me.         


"Working with Caroline has been life-changing. She creates a safe and authentic space for women to explore and invest in themselves. Caroline helped me discover thought processes driving certain behaviors, and took me on a journey to investigate each one with my growth in mind. She listens and leads without taking over, and I always left our sessions energized, encouraged and clear-headed. The recaps she provided of our discussions after each session enabled me to continue the deep work on my own. "


"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 


You can be so much more
life can be so much more

You prioritize your well-being and are able to give to others with a full cup everyday

You feel like life is in front of you and each day is a new opportunity

You are using your unique gifts and abilities

You have fun, enjoy time with others, and laugh everyday

You're no longer burdened by "shoulds," but are living a vibrant life you've designed through your own choices

You trust yourself and are proud of who you are

You're connected to God and dialogue with him comfortably

You're grateful for life's sweetness, beauty, and humor
You feel free

You're living with purpose, passion, and joy

Imagine this:


Kind Words From Clients

"Caroline combines mindful insight, heartfelt compassion, and soulful wisdom. As coach, cheerleader, and confidante, she fully invests her heart and soul into
your heart's desire and soul's enrichment." 



don't see what you're looking for?
reach out to me and let's see
what we can do. 
