The Best Bible Verses To Memorize For A Joyful Life

boy reading bible

What’s The Point Of Memorizing Scripture?

Since I was young, I’ve heard scripture memorization is an important way to strengthen your faith.

So, I have.

Well, sometimes.

I mean, I used to.

And now I kinda do.

And recommend that you sometimes kinda do it too.

My motivation came from plenty of sources, ranging from guilt, to a desire to do “the right thing,” to genuine interest, to a fear of my 70-year-old Sunday School teacher with a smoker’s cough. Hi Ms. Eldridge, hope you’re well (gulp and shudder)!

Doesn’t Technology Eliminate Our Need To Memorize Scripture?

At any moment, we can pick up our phone, open an app, and find any verse in any translation in ten seconds or less. 

Let’s take a moment to appreciate our good fortune

Access to the Bible, in any language, any translation, with commentary, maps, study guides, and a paint-by-number coloring book of the Twelve Disciples is an enormous privilege. That not only goes for the Bible, but for all of the resources, history, and education we can drum up in an instant, religious or not. It’s an amazing time to be alive. We can learn and access more than any civilization throughout humankind. Frickin’ awesome. 

*A note from your personal cheerleader: Make sure you take advantage! Use your mind, stretch your perspective, and grow, grow, grow! Rah! 

Our question today is this:

Why Is It Worth The Effort To Memorize Scripture Anyway?

Especially when there are easier ways to get your word on?

While it’s an undeniable godsend to have so much freedom and ease when it comes to accessing God’s words to us, there’s an equally undeniable power available to us when we choose to put God’s message to memory.

We’re talking spiritual growth out the wazoo!

For one thing, what we put in our minds, eyes, and hearts deposit into our souls and shapes our well-being…or not being so well.

Who of us hasn’t binge-watched a Netflix documentary on a serial killer? It’s a horror too engrossing to turn away from. So fascinating, so eerie, and a detailed education on how to prevent its application in your own life (that is: never trust a single white male neighbor who brings snickerdoodles to your front door- that’s a Red Alert there). Hours pass as our mind receives what passes onscreen.

Once the show is over, dark, unsettled feelings and suspicions of all men wearing flannel button-ups surround us. We’re a little more in touch with evil. We’ve been exposed to it for a full non-stop weekend of a Monsters Anthology bingefest— (with popcorn and peanut butter M&Ms of course— we’re not animals).

To further ensure our subconscious deeply absorbs the nastiness, we dream ALL. Night. Long. about serial killers, being chased by one, being one, investigating one, being one being investigated by one, watching one watching a documentary about one…it’s a mess.

On the other hand, when you watch lighter fare, the opposite-same-thing happens.

Watching Leann Morgan talk about squeezing into a Miracle Suit for a family vacation at the beach will give you funnier, happier, and more swimsuit-centered dreams and thoughts.

For better or worse, what you watch and spend time hearing, seeing, and understanding seeps into your mind, body, and soul.

What Your Mind Focuses On, Will Take Life In You

Our minds will hold on to what comes to them. They’re like Venus flytraps and will gobble up what crosses their path.

So when we fill our minds with thoughts of God’s everlasting love, joy, and provision, we optimize our spiritual and mental well-being.

When you take it a step further and learn a bible verse that speaks to you, you believe in, and you can bring to mind when in weakness, it will become a part of you.

I like to think of it this way:

Know how you still remember your home address from when you were a kid? Gosh, I still know my home phone number from when I was five years old. In fact, besides my own, it’s the only number I know from memory. Every few months though, I practice memorizing my husband’s phone number… (777) 7 something 7 something something something 7.. Almost got it.

Anyway, when I think of Mom and Dad’s address, my family home, I feel tied to something. There’s a ton of memory and connection to this place that will always be a part of my identity.

Similarly, learning a new verse of scripture can go from feeling like this two-dimensional black and white writing that you’ve had to learn because your Bible Study teacher told you you needed to, to something that becomes alive in you.

It becomes a part of your identity and is an instant source of connection and familiarity to you.

Choosing A Verse That Genuinely Moves You Is Key

When chosen from the heart, the verse will create grit, strength, and peace in you. It’ll also show up for you in needed circumstances and create an immediate connection between you and the Lord.

Consider this:

An unexpected difficulty arises for you. You’re unprepared and in over your head. The anxiety and worry begin to rise. Then you pause, drop anchor, and hear your mind speak “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”(Philippians 4:6-7)

Your fear turns to trust, calming your nerves. You’ve got something to rest on, not just worry on.

Alright, Now Let’s Get You “Off Book”

If you’re out of school, most likely memorization isn’t a top skill set like it was in the younger years.

“Fear not (hey, that’s in the Bible! See….scripture comes flowing out) I’ve got a few tricks to help you get back into the swing.

Six Tips To Help You Memorize Scripture:

  • Choose a verse that means something to you

  • Understand its context

  • Start with a short Bible verse

  • Use a Bible memorization app

  • Write it down

  • Choose a translation that resonates with you

    *Extra Tip: Do this your own way. Call it learning God’s truth, knowing God’s word, or finding your personal roadmap. Choose to do it often, rarely, when you feel led… whatever speaks to you. This is all about making a connection with God’s word in a way that feels real to you.

Choose A Verse That Means Something To You

Heck yeah, I’m encouraging you to do what feels good and natural to you, not what you think you’re supposed to do what’s more religious-y.

When you’re choosing what scripture to memorize, make sure you pick a verse that connects with you on a deep level. If it’s going to become a part of you, why pick anything that you’re wishy-washy on?

Understand The Context

Of course, you’ll read the entire passage, but make sure to read the whole book it comes from too, and do some research. You want to know what the verse means, why it was written, and what the point is/was.

One of the coolest things about scripture is how many lives it can have- it can change shape, take on new meanings and have more life.

For a verse to have the freedom to come to life, you need to know the original intent. Read the entire book it’s from. Who wrote the book, what was going on at the time, and who was the verse originally written for and why.

Once you know its original context, you’ll understand more about who God is and how He is. Then it can come to life in your own story.

Sound like a chore?

Nah. You’re going deep, not wide. So if you want this verse to bring power and genuine meaning to your life, know it. Understand it.

You’re not doing this a million times. Just enough to set a firm foundation of the verse in you.

And make sure you aren’t willy-nilly remembering verses because they’re popular and can be squeezed and shifted into any cut-and-paste situation.

Take the time to Respect the history. Respect the context. Treat the words with dignity. Then… watch it shift and shape in your own life.

A good way to get started is The Bible Project. These guys are great- so much education and information in a relaxed and palatable way. Plus, they’ve got cartoons.

Start With A Short Bible Verse

Picture it, you’re anxious in difficult times. You need your verse. But Esther 8:9 (arguably, the longest verse in the Bible) isn’t showing up for you! Plus, what the heck is “the month of Sivan” anyway? Not helpful.

Large sections of the Old Testament are gonna be a tough pull. Might not be the right verse you need to get started.

So, choose something easy for you to memorize. No need to get fancy. This is just for you and God anyway.

And remember, memorization is a muscle that needs strength training. Start small and build your way up. Once you’ve conquered a short verse or two, you can graduate to two verses, a paragraph, and all of Hosea! Yippee, Brain!

Use An App For Memory Verses

Technology is here to make our lives easier. That is, until the War Of The Robots inevitably occurs, after which, we’ll become their dogs.

But until then, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and consider them our helpful friends implanted in our mobile devices, here to make learning and organizing our lives efficient and easier. Here are a few that may help:

The Bible Memory App

Verse Locker

Remember Me

Write It Down

Channel your tenth-grade biology self and whip out those flashcards for some rote memory. Writing something in your own hand with pen and paper aids in the memorization process.

After it’s written on a small card, you can place it in a spot you’ll see every day.

**Possible daily routine: You smudge the Crest toothpaste on your brush, get scrubbing, do your calf raises, and look at your mirror to find- “I am with you always!” Suddenly, a sense of warmth comes over your heart. Your spirit, teeth, and calves are ready for the day.

Regularly seeing the verse throughout the day, and taking a little extra time to think of the words and meaning will help you remember it.

Doesn’t have to feel like hard work. Just build in habits to review verses at particular times or places each day.

***Rote memory is alright if that’s what it takes for you. Just be sure you take the additional step of actually paying attention to what you’re reading or saying. With passages of scripture, it’s best not to slip into a passive posture if possible.

Choose A Translation That Resonates With You

Are you turned off by stuffy, formal talk? Like things loose and casual? Go for The Message

Like feeling contemporary, yet rooted in tradition? Go for the New International Version

Does your professor’s mind like to dig in and know other possible phrasing? Reach for the Amplified Bible

At the most recent count, the number of different Bible translations comes in at a whopping million bajillion. Pick your favorite.

Good Bible Verses To Memorize:

I’ve done some groundwork for you and have some powerful Bible verses to give you a kickstart.

Check out the following verses and see if any of these stick out to you:


“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him?” Matthew 7:7-11

*Just pick a small portion or phrase that speaks to you to memorize when you’re first starting out. Memorize more as you gain confidence.

Why do I like this?

It’s proof that God gives a crap. He personally cares about our individual lives. And He wants to care for us. Even more than our parents or caregivers…and even more than we care for our own children.


“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. “ Galatians 5:22-23

Why’s this one good?

It’s great for discernment, making decisions, and doing a gut check. If you’re feeling full of peace, joy, kindness, and the others, it’s a good sign to know you’re being led by the Holy Spirit or that God is speaking to you.


“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Why this one?

It shows that God is all about Life. He wants us to enjoy our lives and share goodness. I think this one can apply to mortal life and eternal life.

A reminder that the dark stuff, that’s not Him.


“Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4

Why do I like this?

For so many reasons. To me, this one speaks to a lot of things- enjoying our time and relationship with God, enjoying the natural gifts He’s given us, following our hearts and dreams, looking to God first, and following His lead.


“Consider the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they? Can any of you add one moment to his life span by worrying?” Matthew 6:26-27

Why memorize this one?

God is our provider. He cares for us. No need to worry, God’s got your back.


“The Lord passed in front of him and proclaimed: The Lord—the Lord is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger abounding in steadfast love and truth” Exodus 34:6

Why is this one a good one?

I mean, this is a huge takeaway from the entire Bible. God is compassionate and loving– towards us, towards others, towards the earth. That’s who and how He is. And! No! He’s not mad at you. Isn’t this a nice counter to the courtyard preacher screaming “Little, children, beware the wrath of God! The wages of sin is death?” (Yikes!) Slow to anger…ahh..that’s so nice!


“The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” John 10:3

Why do I like this?

God is relational! See, it’s right there. He calls us by name. We’re not a bunch of randos. We’re God’s children! He knows us each intimately and loves us each with loyalty.


“Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Isaiah 26:3

What’s so good about this?

For one thing, the language! Isn’t that pretty? Different translations will be more practical, but I wanted to share this beautiful phrasing from ye ole King James.

This is such a serene and calming passage. Put your focus on God, and find peace. God is always talking about not worrying. He’s got us! Isn’t that a relaxing thought?


“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Why did I choose this one?

My mom has said this verse to our family all our lives. What a wonderful message to assure you that God always knows what’s going on and He will lead you, one step at a time. This one is very much about trust and surrender. Let go of what you know, think you know, or see, and let God be God. He will not fail you or lead you astray.

Enjoy The Process!

As always, I encourage you to have fun with this. Take the pressure off yourself. Shift your focus to deeply learning and understanding a few words or phrases from the Bible that bring you life and that you can count on.

Once you master a verse or two, you might make this a regular practice. On your own terms, for your own reasons.

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