turtle breathing under water

Practicing breathing exercises is a surefire ticket to staying in the moment. Try these breathing techniques to stay grounded in the NOW.

May 31, 2024

How Breathing Exercises Can Bring You Into The Present Moment

woman on sailboat being present

Staying in the moment is both something we feel we ought to do and want to do. Learn how we can be present every day.

May 31, 2024

June 2024 Theme Of The Month

"What's your joy style?"

What joy language resonates most with you?
Are you a "Joy Rider," a "Joyful Soul," or maybe something else?
 In this playful and insightful personality quiz, you'll learn which of the five joy styles
you most connect with.
Discover your preferred experience of joy and what to look out for when you get off track. Understand how to increase the satisfaction and FUN in your life!
Take two minutes.

Take The Quiz