Women's getaway on the lake. Women's retreat

I want to host more retreats. Some like this. Some different. I feel my task is to stay open and say, “Hey God, what do you want to do this time?” Then do it.

May 1, 2023

Well, How Did The Retreat Go?

What do you need most?

Listening to your body can reveal what you need most. Learn how staying in tune with your physical body is a must for joy, peace, and rest.

March 28, 2023

What Do You Need Most?

"What's your joy style?"

What joy language resonates most with you?
Are you a "Joy Rider," a "Joyful Soul," or maybe something else?
 In this playful and insightful personality quiz, you'll learn which of the five joy styles
you most connect with.
Discover your preferred experience of joy and what to look out for when you get off track. Understand how to increase the satisfaction and FUN in your life!
Take two minutes.

Take The Quiz