I’m Thankful For

My dad has written a weekly article in my hometown’s newspaper for over 30 years. The article I look forward to the most is his annual “I’m Thankful For” during Thanksgiving week.
My brother, sister, mom, and I would always read it at the supper table after we’d eaten bowls of weird combinations of foods with cheese baked on top. (Is this a casserole you speak of?)

I’m now in a position to publish my own “I’m Thankful For” article.
So here we go, Norm Douglass. Love You!

I’m Thankful For

  • Old friends and new friends
  • A crackling fire on a cold night
  • Fall foliage
  • A backyard full of fireflies
  • A back rub during the latest Netflix show
  • ”Snug milk” and Bluey before bedtime
  • My brilliant allergist who gave me a desperately needed asthma diagnosis
  • The Harvest Moon
  • Gone With the Wind sunsets
  • Matthew’s job and two work from home make do office spaces
  • Baby Toolsie, Richard Parker Tiger, and Cheetah, most beloved friends who can’t be left behind
  • A bamboo comforter, always the right temperature
  • Cigar walks with Dad
  • Drag and drop design and technology
  • “Kaka,” always there in a bind
  • My new hiking hobby
  • Physical accomplishments and signs of new strength
  • Mom’s pumpkin bread
  • The Arnold family tree
  • Mari Beth and Jen, the very first retreat co-hosts
  • Our small group- The Busicks lucked out with this crew
  • Mada’s “free examples” from Costco
  • A backyard that makes me smile
  • Beckett’s animal roars and skip walks
  • God’s sweet and calming presence
  • The daily 5 pm circus and circle races with Mada and The Bear
  • ”Footsies”
  • Forgotten envelope cash that I rediscover-always feels like I won the lotto
  • Double cheese pepperoni pizza
  • A good car with air conditioning
  • Indy, my mercurial and snuggly comrade
  • Tuxy, protector of our home
  • The weekly call with Dad on the way to the store
  • Make It Joy and the passion it continues to bring me
  • An email from a reader or listener
  • A cool, silk pillowcase
  • Doctors, physical therapists, our favorite babysitter, school personnel, our housekeeper, and all who have helped our family and make our life easier
  • Publix chocolate torte
  • A clear winter sky full of bright stars
  • ”Hey, Love” from Kath
  • The Franklin crew, the Birmingham cousins & Co, in-laws and all of my precious extended family on all sides
  • The regular check-in text from Tennessee
  • String twinkle lights
  • A special trip with a special friend
  • Fellow entrepreneurs I’ve connected with along the way
  • Muffin, my dear husband
  • The Friends and Family first on the email list of Make It Joy, thank you for the encouragement, support, and love

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

I'm Caroline busick

I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed and you are made to live with purpose, passion, and JOY! 

As a life and spiritual coach and certified mindfulness teacher, I'm here to support you as you choose to live with intention and clarity. 

With my one-to-one online coaching, digital resources, and retreats available, we'll work together to ensure that you create a
life you love and love how you're living it. 

Nice to meet you!


(sounds like "music")

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