How To Celebrate Beauty In Your Life

Woman in sunlight looking at a beautiful flower

How Do You Celebrate Beauty in Life?

We’ve talked about noticing beauty, appreciating beauty, and being moved by beauty.
All are important elements to our theme this month: Celebrate Beauty

But we haven’t laid out a lot of examples of how you can celebrate beauty.

So let’s get to it.

Celebrate is a verb. And my favorite definition is “to honor or praise publicly.”
That’s active. It’s a thing you do, not something you feel. So let’s talk about celebrating beauty as what and how we respond to it when we see it.

You know I’m not going to leave you with an action step without a brainstorm to get you going.

Here Are 55 Ways You Can Celebrate Beauty:

  1. Tell your friend her hair looks shiny today
  2. Catch a sunset with your camera
  3. Paint a landscape
  4. Write a poem about someone
  5. Dance to your favorite music and enjoy the movement
  6. Create a homemade spa day to pamper and nourish yourself
  7. Visit an art museum and marvel at the paintings
  8. Picnic in a scenic park
  9. Volunteer for a beach cleanup to preserve the beauty of the coastline
  10. Decorate the supper table with fresh flowers
  11. Practice yoga outdoors and feel the breeze on your skin
  12. Go to a live concert and give a standing ovation for the artist
  13. Write a letter expressing your appreciation for someone’s kindness
  14. Take a family stroll in the botanical garden
  15. Learn to write your name in calligraphy
  16. Cook a gourmet meal and savor the flavors
  17. Write a short story that celebrates friendship
  18. Plan a road trip to see the country’s landscape
  19. Host a photography contest with your friends
  20. Ask your parents or grandparents to tell you stories of their lives
  21. Host a flower-arranging party with your friends
  22. Create a scrapbook of beautiful moments in life
  23. Host a poetry reading night and smile at the pictures created by words
  24. Practice random acts of kindness to spread beauty and positivity to others
  25. Create a beauty record and write down “Today I Saw Beauty…”
  26. Buy a piece of pottery you love
  27. Go stargaze camping
  28. Have a family storytelling night and share stories about when you each witnessed beauty
  29. Join a garden club
  30. Eat supper by candlelight
  31. Go on a hike with friends
  32. Sit outside in the evening and listen to the sounds of nature
  33. Start a butterfly garden
  34. Write a song about something beautiful to you
  35. Set up your easel outside and paint what you see
  36. Spend a day photographing closeups of flower petals and leaves
  37. Collect leaves, flowers, and pine cones and create a collage with your kids
  38. Create pressed flower crafts
  39. Design a mosaic using colorful pebbles, shells, and glass in your backyard
  40. Frame and hang up a picture of the most beautiful place you’ve been to
  41. Have a homemade fashion show with your kids
  42. Make a conscious effort to give sincere compliments today
  43. Plan a surprise party to honor someone dear to you
  44. Write an Ode
  45. Commission an artist to paint a mural in your bedroom
  46. Publicly express your gratitude and appreciation for the person you’re celebrating through social media posts, blog articles, or public acknowledgments.
  47. Rally friends, family, and neighbors to participate in a community clean-up event in your area
  48. Wear a t-shirt that says “Earth = Beautiful”…or something like that
  49. Have a David Attenborough-a-thon with your family
  50. Donate to organizations dedicated to preserving and protecting natural wonders and cultural landmarks around the world
  51. Keep a gratitude journal where you write down things you appreciate about yourself, both internally and externally, focusing on your strengths and unique qualities
  52. Choose a calendar with vistas
  53. Wear clothes that make you feel great
  54. Listen to beautiful instrumental music at the end of the day
  55. Set your alarm clock so you can see the sunrise tomorrow

Now…get out there, have fun, and celebrate beauty in life!

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I'm Caroline busick

I believe that life is meant to be enjoyed and you are made to live with purpose, passion, and JOY! 

As a life and spiritual coach and certified mindfulness teacher, I'm here to support you as you choose to live with intention and clarity. 

With my one-to-one online coaching, digital resources, and retreats available, we'll work together to ensure that you create a
life you love and love how you're living it. 

Nice to meet you!


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